HTH TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD, Công Ty TNHH Thương mại Dịch Vụ Công Nghệ HTH

HTH TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD, Công Ty TNHH Thương mại Dịch Vụ Công Nghệ HTH

Visual Flame Detector FlameSpec-IR3-HD

Views: 923


Origin: USA - Fire & Gas Detection Technologies Inc

The unmatched detection times and distances are:

  • 40ms   – for a fast fire burst or explosion

  • 1.2s         – for 1ft² (0.1m²) n-heptane pan fire at up to 50 ft. (15m)

  • <4.1s       – for 1ft² (0.1m²) n-heptane pan fire at up to 230 ft. (70m)

Integral HD quality video, with event recording, on top of the proven, superior capabilities of Triple IR (IR3) flame detection, provides a very powerful safety tool to protect personnel, plants, and processes

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Head to Head Testing IR3 Flame Detectors






ATEXDNV GL MaritimeEU Conformity (CE)IECExSIL 2 Certification         

FlameSpec-IR3–HD is the next generation of the IR3 Multi Spectrum CCTV flame detector. It is being introduced to further enhance the protection and safety for these high risk and high value industries.

The FlameSpec-IR3-HD Triple IR (IR3) flame detector will detect fires and explosions extremely fast, thus allowing preventative action to be initiated even more rapidly and minimizing the consequences!

The unmatched detection times and distances are:

  • 40ms   – for a fast fire burst or explosion

  • 1.2s         – for 1ft² (0.1m²) n-heptane pan fire at up to 50 ft. (15m)

  • <4.1s       – for 1ft² (0.1m²) n-heptane pan fire at up to 230 ft. (70m)

Integral HD quality video, with event recording, on top of the proven, superior capabilities of Triple IR (IR3) flame detection, provides a very powerful safety tool to protect personnel, plants, and processes.

The FlameSpec-IR3-HD flame detector provides ultra-fast response, high performance, and reliable detection of all types of hydrocarbon fires (visible and non-visible). The detector addresses slow-growing fires as well as fast eruption of fire using improved triple IR (IR3) technology. It operates in all weather and light conditions with the highest immunity to false alarms.

In addition, the detector provides high-definition (HD) video output of the monitored area with clear imaging of a fire event and of personnel at distances up to 100 ft (30m). This allows the rescue team to be aware of the exact situation before entering the hazardous area. The detector automatically records video of any fire event (1 minute pre- and up to 3 minutes post alarm initiation). These features, along with the built-in event logger, provide additional means to study the cause and development of fire events for “lessons learned” reviews.

Click here to download Datasheet



FlameSpec-HD VIDEO  -  IR3-HD , IR3-H2-HD & UV/IR-HD Flame Detectors
1 FLS-UV-IR-HD-ASX1 UV-IR-HD Flame Detector, SS316, UV/IR Flame Detector for Hydrocabron and Non-Hydrocarbon Fires. Integrated HD CCTV Camera.
SS316 Stainless Steel Housing with 2 x M25 or 3/4NPT Cable Entries. Adjustable Sensitivity Settings, Ultra Fast Detection, Alarm Delay, Alarm latch selectable via User software. Automatic Built-In-Test BIT, Heated Sapphire Window. Outputs include Outputs include Tri-Colour LED, SPST relay for Fire Alarm and Fault, Modbus RS485 (HART and/or SIL2, specify with Order). Colour Video output via Ethernet TCP/IP, Composite NTSC or PAL user selectable
Detector, SS316
UV/IR Flame Detector for Hydrocarbon Fires. Integrated HD CCTV Camera. SS316 Stainless Steel Housing with 2 x M25 or 3/4NPT Cable Entries. Adjustable Sensitivity Settings, Ultra Fast Detection, Alarm Delay, Alarm latch selectable via User software. Automatic Built-In-Test BIT, Heated Sapphire Window. Outputs include Outputs include Tri-Colour LED, SPST relay for Fire Alarm and Fault, Modbus RS485 (HART and/or SIL2, specify with Order). Colour Video output via Ethernet TCP/IP, Composite NTSC or PAL user selectable
3 FLS-IR3-HD-ASX1 IR3-HD Flame Detector, SS316 Triple IR Flame Detector for Hydrocarbon Fires. Integrated HD CCTV Camera. SS316 Stainless Steel Housing with 2 x M25 or 3/4NPT Cable Entries. Adjustable Sensitivity Settings, Ultra Fast Detection, Alarm Delay, Alarm Latch selectable via User software. Automatic Built-In-Test BIT, Heated Sapphire Window. Outputs include Outputs include Tri-Colour LED, SPST relay for Fire Alarm and Fault, Modbus RS485 (HART and/or SIL2, specify with Order). Colour Video output via Ethernet TCP/IP, Composite NTSC or PAL user selectable
4 FLS-IR3-H2-HD-ASX1 IR3-H2-HD Flame
Detector, SS316
Triple IR Flame Detector for Hydrogen Fires. Integrated HD CCTV Camera. SS316 Stainless Steel Housing with 2 x M25 or 3/4NPT Cable Entries. Adjustable Sensitivity Settings, Ultra Fast Detection, Alarm Delay, Alarm Latch selectable via User software. Automatic Built-In-Test BIT, Heated Sapphire Window. Outputs include Outputs include Tri-Colour LED, SPST relay for Fire Alarm and Fault, Modbus RS485 (HART and/or SIL2, specify with Order). Nr IR Video output via Ethernet TCP/IP, Composite NTSC or PAL user selectable



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