HTH TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD, Công Ty TNHH Thương mại Dịch Vụ Công Nghệ HTH

HTH TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD, Công Ty TNHH Thương mại Dịch Vụ Công Nghệ HTH

Hydrogen Flame Detector IR3 - FlameSpec-IR3-H2

Views: 1067


Origin: USA - Fire & Gas Detection Technologies Inc

The unmatched detection times and distances are:​


  • Detection within 40 milliseconds of fireballs or explosions

  • 1.5s for 32″ (0.8m) hydrogen fire at 0–66 ft. (0–20m)

  • 4s for 32″ (0.8m) hydrogen fire at 66–100 ft. (20–30m)


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ATEXDNV GL MaritimeEU Conformity (CE)IECExSIL 2 Certification            

FlameSpec-IR3–H2 is the next generation of the IR3 Multi Spectrum Flame Detector. It is being introduced to further enhance the protection and safety for these high risk and high value industries.

​The FlameSpec-IR3-H2 will detect hydrogen fires and explosions extremely fast, thus allowing preventative action to be initiated even more rapidly and minimizing the consequences!

The unmatched detection times and distances are:​

  • Detection within 40 milliseconds of fireballs or explosions

  • 1.5s for 32″ (0.8m) hydrogen fire at 0–66 ft. (0–20m)

  • 4s for 32″ (0.8m) hydrogen fire at 66–100 ft. (20–30m)


The FlameSpec-IR3-H2 flame detector provides ultra-fast response, high performance, and reliable detection of hydrogen fires. It operates in all weather and light conditions with the highest immunity to false alarms.

These features, along with the built-in event logger, provide additional means to study the cause and development of fire events for “lessons learned” reviews

Key Benefits

  • High immunity to false alarm

  • Ultra-fast detection mode detection within 40 milliseconds for Hydrogen fireballs or explosions Hydrogen flame detection

  • High sensitivity – up to 100 ft. (30m)

  • Data/Event logger – alarms, faults and other relevant events are logged to non-volatile memory

  • Built-in-Test (BIT) – Automatic and manual internal self-test of window cleanliness and the overall operation of the detector

  • Window heater to avoid condensation and icing

Click here to download Datasheet


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HTH TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD, Công Ty TNHH Thương mại Dịch Vụ Công Nghệ HTH

HTH TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD, Công Ty TNHH Thương mại Dịch Vụ Công Nghệ HTH

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